People living in flats at a converted Stockport mill were forced to leave their homes on New Year’s Day as a nearby river burst its bank amid major flooding across Greater Manchester. The River Tame runs directly past Meadow Mill.
The lower floors of the building were underwater as residents woke up. A huge operation was launched with mountain rescue teams drafted in to help emergency services. People inside were told to wait inside until help arrived.
Around 200 people were stuck inside the building, which was cordoned off as rescue teams began working through floor by floor. Those inside were left without power or running water – with cars submerged in the car park outside.
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Dexter Hardingham-Graveling said: “My partner shouted me and there were cars floating… the water was going over the majority of the cars. It stayed there and kept getting worse. Not a nice situation to be in on New Year’s Day.”
Flood water inside Meadow Mill in Stockport -Credit:Isabella Cubrilo
Junaid Ismail tried to save his car when the flooding started, but was left scrambling to get to safety. He said: “I tried saving my car… I lost my key.
“I got to the bend and my car got submerged in water. I walked back in and the water was up to my stomach.”
Ell Henderson said: “We woke up about half six, seven this morning to literally the entire car park looking like a swimming pool. Cars floating about, there was sludge everywhere.”
Bus services were provided to ferry evacuated residents to a rest centre -Credit:Kit Roberts / MEN Media
Isabella Cubrilo described how the loss of power plunger the interior corridors into darkness. Residents had to take drastic steps to protect themselves from the floodwater as they evacuated.
“We were sellotaping bin bags around our legs because it was dirty water,” Isabella added. “The cars were leaking diesel. It was still pitch black in the mill, but the fire fighters put in temporary lighting.
“They were lowering people into the freezing cold water. You had to wade out of the mill into the car park. There were so many firefighters – they were super helpful.
Darkness descends on Meadow Mill in Stockport -Credit:Kit Roberts / MEN Media
“We had to queue up while we got hosed and decontaminated because of all the chemicals. You had to stand in a hot, soapy paddling pool.”
A bus service ran from Meadow Mill to a rest centre at Life Leisure in Houldsworth Village. Councillor Rachel Wise was among those offering support to people were evacuated.
She told the Manchester Evening News: “The council has emergency plans for all kinds of scenarios including flooding. Because there was so much rain the Tame burst its banks.
The muddy aftermath of New Year’s Day flooding in the cark park at Meadow Mill in Stockport -Credit:Kit Roberts / MEN Media
“There will be updates throughout the day in terms of what’s happening. They opened a rest centre here for people who needed somewhere to go, whether that’s for a couple of hours or a couple of days.”
She added: “I came down this afternoon and we’ve been trying to reassure people that we will find them somewhere to stay if they need somewhere.
“If they’re waiting for a lift they have access to toilets and plug sockets, so they can charge their phone and text their mum back.”
Partially submerged cars viewed from Meadow Mill -Credit:Isabella Cubrilo
By the time the centre closed later in the evening about 20 people had been through the door, transported from Meadow Mill by bus. Coun Wise told the M.E.N. that around a dozen people have been helped into accommodation after the floods.