Good Morning Britain star Ranvir Singh brought the show to a stand-still on Tuesday (January 14) while delivering her usual updates. The political correspondent announced “breaking news” as a banner appeared on the screens.
She interrupted the schedule to bring the latest news on election “fix” claims brought to the surface by President-elect Donald Trump in 2020 after losing the vote to Joe Biden. A new report by the Department of Justice has indicated Trump could have faced conviction.
According to reports, Trump was about to face possible conviction for trying to overturn the result of the 2020 election ahead of his re-election in 2024. The report to congress by special counsel Jack Smith stated: “The admissible evidence was sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction at trial.”
Ranvir Singh halted the usual schedule to update viewers on the latest breaking news
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Ranvir had just been discussing the wildfires that have continued to blaze and cause destruction across Los Angeles, USA, when the news averted and took a new direction.
She announced: “Carrying on with news from America and breaking news this morning. US President-elect Donald Trump did act illegally in trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election.”
According to a report Donald Trump would have been convicted had he not have been elected in 2024
The ITV host who often stands in for Lorraine Kelly on her self-titled talk show went on to explain to extent of the situation. Ranvir confirmed to viewers: “According to a new report, special counsel Jack Smith – who has since resigned from the Justice Department, ‘there was enough evidence to convict Donald Trump’ but the case was closed after Trump’s election victory in November.”
Jack Smith special counsel who instigated the report has resigned from his role
Jack Smith had been the special counsel responsible for investigating Trump in this case and one other – but has now stepped down from his post. However, he did obtain clearance from Judge Aileen Cannon for the first part of his report to be released.
The 137-page document landed with Congress on Tuesday just after midnight (US time). Following the announcement, the President-elect took to a social website to share his truth writing that the prosecutor “was unable to get his case tried before the election, which I won in a landslide”.
“THE VOTERS HAVE SPOKEN!!!,” concluded Donald.
Good Morning Britain airs weekdays on ITV1, from 6am.