Identical twin sisters share secret tricks so people can tell them apart easily

A pair of identical twin sisters shared the secret tricks they use to help people recognise which twin they are.

Rose and Elizabeth Conway, based in the UK, are biologically identical twin sisters. Twins who are identical often get confused by others for their twin so the pair have spoken about what they do to help people tell them apart.

Elizabeth, a BBC Sport journalist, posted a video on TikTok stood side by side with her sister Rose and the pair explained what ‘secret’ things they do that other people, apart from twins, wouldn’t notice. Mentioning their names early on in a conversation and wearing different coloured outfits are two of them.

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Speaking in the video, Elizabeth said: “So I’m Liz and this is my identical twin sister, Rose, and here are some things twins will do that you’ll never notice but they have to do just because they’re identical twins.” Rose took over: “First one: we mention each other’s names as early as possible.”

Elizabeth explained if they meet people when they are out she will mention her own name or Rose’s so people know which twin they’re talking to. She gave the examples: “Rose isn’t here” or “Rose is away” or “Rose, come over here”.

Rose added: “Because when you speak to somebody you know they don’t know who they’re talking to if we’re both due to be there.” Elizabeth expanded: “So they’re being really polite but you know they’re thinking in their head I don’t know which one so we try and help that.”

The next thing the pair claimed twins do is “cover for each other all the time”. Rose said: “I pretended to be Liz on so many occasions and she has pretended to be me. I have talked about living in Manchester. I don’t live in Manchester being a journalist.

“I’m not a journalist but I know it through and through and so I can very confidently pretend to someone that I am Liz.” The sisters went on to say it is ’embarrassing’ sometimes to tell someone they are not the twin the person thinks they are.

They noted there is a “problem” when the “real” sister comes over but because of “twin telepathy” they understand the situation and “can carry on the conversation being each other”.

Rose continued: “We have to check hairstyles and outfits.” The twins said they if they were going to a party where they wouldn’t know many people, one of them would have straight hair and the other one dons a curly style.

Another thing they do that people might not notice is they wear different coloured outfits. Elizabeth said Rose usually wears pink and she prefers purple or blue.

The journalist added: “And we always have to give identifiers so for example, because Rose is called Rose she was always put in pink or red when she was younger and people still use those cues to this day to know who’s who.” She also said they even went through a phase of wearing E and R necklaces to try to help people identify which twin they are.

Elizabeth’s TikTok video has got 133,000 views, 6,597 likes and more than a hundred comments. Some people in the comment section said they could tell the twins apart already just by looking at them.

One said: “Seeing you first time I can tell you apart already.” Another added: “You two look very different for twins. Also totally different voices.”

A third commented: “Do people actually confuse you though? Even though you’re identical you do look quite different.” Elizabeth replied: “Haha yes I think we look quite different here because of make up but people mistake us a LOT!”