The Nashik City Police on Tuesday shared a dramatic high-speed car chase video on their X handle. According to the police, a drug smuggler was apprehended after an hour-long chase on the intervening night of Monday and Tuesday.
In their post, the Nashik Police stated that the chase began when a red MH-02 registered car, traveling from Dhule to Navi Mumbai, attempted to breach the Adgaon Stop & Search checkpoint. A total of eight police vehicles were involved in the pursuit, the post added.
The video shared by the Nashik Police shows multiple police vehicles chasing a speeding red car. The red car can be seen evading the police vehicles whenever they got close.
“On suspicion of illegal weapons, narcotics, explosives, or similar prohibited items, the control room was alerted within seconds. Nashik City Police’s eight CR mobiles immediately took action and launched a dramatic chase throughout the city. The suspect driver drove on main roads to avoid capture, but our teams successfully apprehended him using skilled strategy without causing harm to others,” the Nashik Police stated in the post.
“The entire team involved in the chase was honored by the Nashik City Police Commissioner. Special appreciation goes to the alert staff who initiated the immediate pursuit, particularly Bhaurao Gangurde and Balkrishna Pawar!” it added.
The video shared by the Nashik Police has garnered widespread attention on social media, with many users praising the police for their daring attempt to nab the culprit.