Mumbai: The Borivali police have registered an FIR against developers Pravin Satra and Premji Satra for alleged cheating. The developers are accused of failing to complete a rehabilitation agreement but constructing another building and allegedly selling its flats without mandatory occupation certificates, fire safety clearances, or lift installation approvals.
About The Case
The case was filed on January 6 on a complaint by the Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA). As per the FIR, the SRA, in June 2004, awarded a redevelopment contract to Srinivas Developers Ltd Co for the Borbhat Co-operative Society in Eksar village, Borivali West. The Satras serve as directors of the company.
Between 2004 and 2024, they failed to complete the redevelopment construction within the specified timeline agreed upon with the SRA. Additionally, they did not rehabilitate the slum residents as required.
According to the SRA, the developers violated the terms of the contract, thereby deceiving both the authorities and the affected residents. Following the complaint, the Borivali police registered a case under sections 3 (5) (common intention), 316 (2) (criminal breach of trust), and 318 (4) (cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita.