Mumbai: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) predicted that the dream city will experience partly cloudy conditions with fog or haze on January 11. The residents awaken to lovely mornings with lower humidity, producing a chilly feeling despite mild temperatures.
Mumbai Weather For Today
The current temperature in Mumbai on January 11, 2025, is 28°C. Today’s forecast shows a low of 21°C and a maximum of 31°C. The wind is blowing at 10 km/h, with relative humidity at 46%. The sun started to rise at 07:13 AM and is expected to set at 06:17 PM.
Mumbai Weekly Weather Forecast
On Saturday, January 12, 2025, it is predicted that Mumbai will experience a low of 19 °C and a high of 32 °C. Humidity is expected to hit 50% tomorrow.
On Monday, January 13, temperatures will drop to a low of 22 and rise to a high of 32, with mostly clear skies anticipated. On Tuesday, January 14, temperatures reached a low of 22 and a high of 33, with the prediction showing predominantly clear skies. On Wednesday, January 15, the lowest temperatures stayed at 22 and the highest at 33, with forecasts again indicating primarily clear skies.
IMD weather forecast for Mumbai | IMD Colaba
Mumbai Air Quality
The AQI in Mumbai today stands at 164, categorizing it as moderate. After a few days of better air quality, Mumbai experiences nearly poor air quality today.
Everyone should exercise caution. Kids and people with respiratory issues, such as asthma, should stay indoors, while others should limit their time outside as well. It is advised to utilize masks and air cleaning devices. Comprehending the AQI allows people to make informed decisions regarding their general health when planning the day’s activities.