New cyber security company set to launch in Carlisle

A new cyber security business is set to launch in Carlisle this month.

Resilience, part of Eco Group, aims to protect businesses and organisations in Cumbria and south-west Scotland from the ever-growing threat of cybercrime.

The company will focus on the rapidly changing and increasingly complex strategies employed by cybercriminals.

Falling victim to cybercriminals can cost businesses thousands, or even millions, of pounds in suspended operations.

In the worst cases, businesses can be shut down completely.

The company will focus on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that are particularly vulnerable to cyber threats.

Ryan Moffat, head of Resilience and cyber security graduate from Abertay University, said: “Russia, China and North Korea want to disrupt operations in the UK.

“They will target any business with thousands of automated attacks in the hope of one getting through and giving them access into an organisation and all their data.

“I know of cases where businesses are receiving 10,000 phishing attacks every day.

“We are not talking big corporate organisations.

“We are talking small and medium-sized operations because cybercriminals know these organisations are likely to have more weak spots in their defences.

“The criminals want to access as much information about you and your business as possible.

“Who your customers are, who your suppliers are, they want to disrupt your entire operations.

“It only takes one person to click on a link and they are into your data and your systems with access to information on all your people and all your business connections.”

Resilience will focus on preventing cyber criminals from getting access to systems in the first place.

This involves both secure cyber security systems and training for all employees to recognise fraudulent emails, texts, and social media messages.

Mr Moffat said: “Every single person has a part to play in maintaining cyber security.

“It’s vital that everyone in an organisation knows what is safe and what isn’t.”

The official launch event for Resilience will take place at Carlisle United Football Club on January 24, at 7pm.

Guests will have the opportunity to participate in three activities related to cyber security and learn from demonstrations.

Places for the launch event are limited, and interested parties are encouraged to register by contacting