Pen police from Raigad has nabbed a 15 year old boy for killing his 14 year old friend over a fight while the duo indulged in alcohol. On Friday evening, a staff of Pen Municipal Council found a body of a minor near Ambedkar school and informed the police. In further investigations, police found that deceased to be Ganesh Balu Chunare, son of a bangle seller from Fanasdongri in Pen.
“We went through the cctv footages and found that the deceased boy was last seen along with his another friend. The friend was then interrogated and then he revealed that he had killed Chunare over a heated argument,” Additional Superintendent of Police Abhijeet Shivthare from Raigad police said.
The juvenile in conflict with law is aged 15 and was addicted to alcohol as well as whiteners for getting high, along with the deceased boy. “In his statement, the boy said that the deceased boy used to often keep asking money from him which irked him. On the day of incident as well, they had a fight over the same and in a fit of rage, he used a wooden rod and hit him on his head killing him at the spot,” Dy SP Gajanan Tonpe, Pen division, said.
The deceased was a class eight student. His elder brother had died few years back due to over dose of alcohol. He stayed with his parents and a younger sister. The juvenile in conflict with the law, was a resident of the same area as that of the deceased.