Bradley Walsh, the beloved host of The Chase, has revealed he’s practically living at ITV studios due to the demanding filming schedule. Since launching the hit quiz show in 2009, Walsh, alongside a team of professional quizzers known as the Chasers – Paul Sinha, Anne Hegerty, Mark Labbett, Shaun Wallace, Jenny Ryan, and Darragh Ennis – has been a staple on British TV, with over 1,000 episodes under his belt.
In a candid chat on The Mile High podcast with Laura Hamilton, Bradley shared insights into the gruelling routine: “You’ve come to the studios. I virtually live here now. I virtually live at the studios, I have a constant room here.”
He continued, detailing his day: “This is where I work from. We make three (shows) a day. So we started at 10. Today we started at 9.50 and we were done by 4.30, making sure we had a very short turnaround so we could get this in.”
The TV star lifted the lid on the intense filming schedule -Credit:ITV
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Not only does his day involve filming, but also international meetings: “Once I’ve finished this now, I’ve then got to go next door for a Zoom with some people in Japan and some people in London. It’s a bit full on, but it’s alright because tonight I’ll have a drink and watch a bit of TV and I haven’t got to get up in the morning. I can have a lie in.”
While Walsh has enjoyed success as both a presenter and actor, with roles in Coronation Street and Doctor Who, it’s his charismatic hosting of The Chase that has made him a household name, reports the Liverpool Echo.
Bradley Walsh, host of the quiz show, revealed that even he didn’t anticipate the show’s massive success, expecting it to last only a couple of years, but it has now been on air for 15 years. He said: “I used to make nothing but pilot shows that never got a second chance.
Bradley Walsh admitted he initially thought the show would run for only two or three years -Credit:ITV
“I saw the potential in the Chase 15 years ago and that was it. I thought: ‘This will run maybe two or three years and that will be fine. I didn’t know it was going to be a phenomenon and spin off, so it’s been great.”
The Chase airs next on ITV at 5pm this evening.