Volunteers urge businesses to help keep Bury streets clean

A volunteer group in Bury is urging businesses to help keep the streets tidy.

Keep Bury Clean is calling on firms to join their “Business Adopt Your Street” (BAYS) campaign and regularly pick litter around their premises.

The latest company to join the scheme is Avoira, a technology solutions specialist.

Led by warehouse manager Glyn Hutchinson, the Avoira team has committed to keeping the area around their Salford Street headquarters free from rubbish.

Mr Hutchinson said: “It’s a matter of pride, of taking care not just of where you live, but where you work.

“I’m delighted that my colleagues at Avoira are going to join me in keeping Salford Street clean.

“No-one wants to trudge through crisp packets and pop cans on their way to work or when walking to and from home past our offices.

“A little effort once a week makes the local environment look so much better.”

Jane Edyvean, chair of Keep Bury Clean, said: “We’re grateful to Glyn and Avoira for signing up to BAYS and doing their bit to clean up their corner of Freetown.

“We’d love to see more businesses following their lead and joining the scheme.

“It costs nothing more than a bit of time and is really appreciated by the local community.”

Avoira joins Beechfield Brands, Cranswick Continental Foods, Newtons of Bury, and Repic in their commitment to keeping the borough clean and together, they have adopted nine streets.

Their efforts are part of a larger initiative which includes nearly 270 residents who have signed up for the equivalent resident scheme, RAYS.

Around 150 volunteers clean their streets or join group picks every week using equipment supplied by the council.

Last year, residents and volunteers collected more than 5,000 bags of litter from Bury’s streets, parks, and green spaces.

Keep Bury Clean is encouraging more businesses and residents to join the BAYS or RAYS initiatives.

Anyone interested can contact Keep Bury Clean by emailing keepburyclean@gmail.com or via the group’s Facebook page.